Sunday, April 6, 2008

Mr West and Mr Williams

Caution: contains whiny female voice

Double Caution: repeated viewing may cause a warm tingly sensation of excitement to form around the chest area.

Whose Your Daddy?

"Happiness is emotion in which one experiences feelings ranging from contentment and satisfaction to bliss and intense joy. This definition is, however, a synonymous one rather than one based on analytic evaluation, because of the varied and elusive nature of happiness. "
-Mr Wikipedia-

Singapore is on a hunt this month for the 'Happiest Singaporean'.

Top of the list Criteria: Everyday acts of kindness done with a smile must come easily. Not happy one day, down the next.

Quest Organizer: Mr Philip MERRY

Notable 'Happy Recipe' : A poor memory, so you can erase all the unhappy things from your mind.

I never knew it was possible to be HAPPY ALL THE TIME.

Philip was born to be Merry.

And if you ask me, constant re-allocation of daily memories sounds like good old DENIAL and a recipie for disaster.

Of course there is nothing like a little competition to bring out the "Kiasuism" a.k.a. inability- to- lose- out- spirit in all of us. And IF as a result, Singaporeans are challenged to smile more and walk around feeling happier and more kind, then hey, que sara sara.

Someone please refresh my memory- Is the President's Star Charity on in May or something?

To add to the mix, funny thing is when I flipped to the very next page of the Singapore Straits Times, there was an article titled: " Who says money can't buy happiness?"
Apparently, 2 Wharton business school economists contend that the richer a country, the happier its people TEND to be.

Isn't that a fine coincidence?

Fellow Singaporeans, best to chuck the Monday Blues. Work your bum bums off and make your country some dollar dollar bills. Apparently your smile depends on it.

On that note, could the Happiest Person in Singapore possibly THAT MAN, smiling above with a cool 3 million in his pocket every single year?

Oh Daddy, if I should be so lucky.

Friday, April 4, 2008

"I love GOLD"

My most favourite snack in the whole wide universe are GOLDFISH CRACKERS from Pepperidge Farm.

mmmm. yum.

Cheesy, crunchy, bite-sized, cute fish-shaped little pockets of wholesome goodness. Who could ask for more?

I'm sure we have all read the packaging on our favourite cereal, cookies or chips before. What goes into that instant delight? After you've read it the first time, or the second time, do you remember ever reading it again?

As I was popping some Cheddar (baked with REAL CHEESE har har) goldfish today, I glanced at the back of the bag.

And this is what I found (I know its tiny, just click on it to make it bigger):

I understand that tracing mazes is what 5 year olds indulge in. But the newspaper crossword puzzle fan in me, just could not resist.
Trying to start, made me think back to when I was 5, I used to always start a puzzle from the end and trace backwards.It just seemed easier and more efficient. It gave me a sense of direction.

How would you solve this maze?

Isn't it funny how what you thought at 5 would still seem to make so much sense to you at 25?
Where did I leave my early philosophy? Why do I find myself struggling at the mere beginnings of my ULTIMATE goal, when it is truly the end that matters the most.

So thank you Pepperidge Farm. I think you embody everything a favourite snack should be:

Goals .
Goodness .
Wholesome .
Fun .
A little inspiration for old and young.

Check out their website,, you can read a comic about Finn the goldfish, and pick an ending for the story. There are 4 choices. A little cheese for the five year old in everyone. :)

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Kimchi dance farts

The Missy in me is aching to watch this:

cos "I loveeee, being a b-boyy"

wouln't K-OS agree?

I Covet a Mars Bra

Women are from Venus, Men are from Mars. Fact? Scientific speculation? Metaphor? I'm sure even whiny, blanket- toting Linus could bear to part with his strawberry-flavoured right thumb to answer that. "Elementary, my dear Watson".

Not that I am one to credit myself with keen critical prowess or the likes. But a mission to Mars? Men really living on Mars?(We shall excuse Cambridge for its lack of gender diplomacy)
A hundred years?
Fuschia pink, titanium lined Mars bras?

The possibilities. The riddle.

My finger couldn't resist the click.

Would I play backgammon for three months with the same person to live on Mars? Tick.

Did I understand that light frequencies hitting the lunar system before the solar one could afford the possiblity of human transference from Earth to Mars based on the accuracy of intricately calculated action potentials deriving from the gradients of the universe? ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Tick.

Did I just answer 15 multiple choice questions on an application to live on Mars in a hundred years? Tick.

Was April a fool? tick.

Aw Branson, to think you actually had my hopes up.