Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I Covet a Mars Bra

Women are from Venus, Men are from Mars. Fact? Scientific speculation? Metaphor? I'm sure even whiny, blanket- toting Linus could bear to part with his strawberry-flavoured right thumb to answer that. "Elementary, my dear Watson".

Not that I am one to credit myself with keen critical prowess or the likes. But a mission to Mars? Men really living on Mars?(We shall excuse Cambridge for its lack of gender diplomacy)
A hundred years?
Fuschia pink, titanium lined Mars bras?

The possibilities. The riddle.

My finger couldn't resist the click.

Would I play backgammon for three months with the same person to live on Mars? Tick.

Did I understand that light frequencies hitting the lunar system before the solar one could afford the possiblity of human transference from Earth to Mars based on the accuracy of intricately calculated action potentials deriving from the gradients of the universe? ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Tick.

Did I just answer 15 multiple choice questions on an application to live on Mars in a hundred years? Tick.

Was April a fool? tick.

Aw Branson, to think you actually had my hopes up.

1 comment:

mh said...