Monday, September 8, 2008

Zing me in the morning

its official.
i have become an OL O ah. Proclaimed in the famed Hong Kong way, slang marang. Office Lady ah.
Yup. Rushing to my desk at 9 am. popping vitamin c, berrocca and whatever other kinds of drugs you think are "good" for you but really just get you through the day psychologically, as your ancient laptop chokes to start-up in the morning (cue the windows anthem)
Worrying about secretary spread as you insert potato chip after potato chip (hand carried from Italy but of course, by your devilishly skinny colleague after her insane buying trip last week, oh darling)- but still you shove on because somehow it momentarily takes the strain off the slew of commands your female boss just hurled in your direction, before she marches off to some 4 hour luncheon, which you can but only thank your lucky stars for.

To be continued...

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