Sunday, April 6, 2008

Whose Your Daddy?

"Happiness is emotion in which one experiences feelings ranging from contentment and satisfaction to bliss and intense joy. This definition is, however, a synonymous one rather than one based on analytic evaluation, because of the varied and elusive nature of happiness. "
-Mr Wikipedia-

Singapore is on a hunt this month for the 'Happiest Singaporean'.

Top of the list Criteria: Everyday acts of kindness done with a smile must come easily. Not happy one day, down the next.

Quest Organizer: Mr Philip MERRY

Notable 'Happy Recipe' : A poor memory, so you can erase all the unhappy things from your mind.

I never knew it was possible to be HAPPY ALL THE TIME.

Philip was born to be Merry.

And if you ask me, constant re-allocation of daily memories sounds like good old DENIAL and a recipie for disaster.

Of course there is nothing like a little competition to bring out the "Kiasuism" a.k.a. inability- to- lose- out- spirit in all of us. And IF as a result, Singaporeans are challenged to smile more and walk around feeling happier and more kind, then hey, que sara sara.

Someone please refresh my memory- Is the President's Star Charity on in May or something?

To add to the mix, funny thing is when I flipped to the very next page of the Singapore Straits Times, there was an article titled: " Who says money can't buy happiness?"
Apparently, 2 Wharton business school economists contend that the richer a country, the happier its people TEND to be.

Isn't that a fine coincidence?

Fellow Singaporeans, best to chuck the Monday Blues. Work your bum bums off and make your country some dollar dollar bills. Apparently your smile depends on it.

On that note, could the Happiest Person in Singapore possibly THAT MAN, smiling above with a cool 3 million in his pocket every single year?

Oh Daddy, if I should be so lucky.


mh said...
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mh said...

Nice post, was the stack of $100 bills in a red bow tie really necessary...

yeah it was